Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Libester award

Hey friends,
Recently I have gotten nominated by Sincerely,Hollie you should go check out her blog!! for the Liebster Award and the way it works is posted below:
1-The person nominated must acknowledge the  person who nominated them
2-You have to write 11 facts about yourself
3-Answer the 11 questions the nominator asked
4-Nominate 11 followers who have less than 200 followers
5-Create 11 questions that the bloggers you nominated need yo answer
6-Let the 11 chosen bloggers know that they got nominated for the Libester Award

Below are 11 facts about about me

1-I love blogging
2-I love playing all sorts of sports
3-I love to draw
4-Im a Yankees fan
5-I enjoy creating things
6-I have an obsession with beauty products
7-I love to read
8-I love giving helpful lifehacks
9-I love being active
10-I enjoy learning new things
11-My favorite Holiday is Christmas

The Awnsers to the 11 questions from the Hollie are down below

1-Whats your favorite tea/coffe?:
My favorite tea is just the original decaffeinated tea.

2-Where would you take your dream vacation?: 
I would take my dream vacation in Paris just because it looks so peaceful.

3-If you could have any accent what would it be?:
The accent I would want to have would be a British accent because its just so cute!

4-What is your favorite dessert?:
My favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream cake.

5-Whats your favorite restaurant?:
My favorite restaurant is T.G.I Fridays. 

6-Who is your favorite artist(s)?:
My favorite artist are Toby Mac and Hunter Hayes
7-What would be your dream occupation?:
My dream job would be a judge

8-What is your favorite store?:
Hobby lobby

9-If you could travel anywhere for a week were would it be?:
I would want to travel to NYC to meet my family

10-What is your favorite season?:
My favorite season is Winter

11-What is your favorite show?:
My favorite show is Psych

and there you go!

The people that I have nominated for the Libester Award are posted down below

2-One over cooked mom - http://oneovercookedmom.blogspot.com/
9- Emeelie Elizabeth- http://emeelieelizabeth.blogspot.com/ 
10- Its Grace- grace.blogspot.com.au
11-Elephant stories and more - http://elephantstoriesandmore.blogspot.com/

Your 11 questions are down below

1- Whats your favorite book (s)?
2- Whats your favorite type of dinner?
3- Whats your favorite type of craft you like to do?
4-What is your favorite place that you go to most?
5- Whats your favorite type of board game?
6- Whats was/is your favorite class in school?
7- Whats your favorite quote?
8- Whats your favorite color?
9- Would you prefer jeans or yoga pants?
10- Whats your favorite season?
11- What are your hobby (s)?

Well that's it thank you for reading!

~XOXO Emmie

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