Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Guinea Pig

      Hi friends,
 You are probably wanting to know my Guinea pigs name and things about him.Well my Guinea pig just turned one and he is such a lovable Guinea pig.My Guinea pigs name is Henry but we usually call him by his nick name which is Hen Hen. Henry's favorite foods are peppers and carrots. Believe  it or not that little Guinea pig has A LOT of energy! I even learned the hard way that he thinks my fingers are carrots,but I forgave him.Once me and my sister set up a opstical course which took two hours.When we were finally done we took Henry out to play.When he came out all he did was he stood there and walked around and pooped.We understood because at that time we just got him.Henry is a lovable and funny Guinea pig and I will always love him!

~XOXOX Emmie

1 comment:

  1. Hen hen looks so cute! And yep, they can definitely bite! One thing you can do to avoid biting is to clean your hands thoroughly of food traces when petting little Henry so that he wouldn't be attracted to it. And the obstacle course activity sounded awesome! Have a good day!

    Priscilla @ The Pet Glider
